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Career & Technical Education

The Career and Technical Education Department at Goldendale High School consists of 5 certified teachers. These teachers provide many different opportunities for students. Goldendale's Career and Technical Education offerings are:


  • Introduction to Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (All Year, 9th Grade Science): AFNR is a hands-on, project based freshmen science class. Students will study soils, hydroponics, cell structure, plants, ecosystems, and much more through a variety of experiments and projects that use all the latest science technology. The course is also the first course in an Agriculture Program of Study.
  • Plant Biology (All Year, 10th-12th Grade): Plant Biology is a biology equivalent course that uses hands-on activities, projects, and problems to teach plan concepts. Student experiences will include the study of plant anatomy and physiology, classification and the fundamentals of production and harvesting.
  • Animal Biology (All Year, 10th-12th Grade): Animal Biology is a biology equivalent course that uses hands-on activities, projects, and problems to teach animal biology concepts. Student experiences will include the study of animal anatomy and physiology, and classification. 
  • Metal Fabrication (All Year, 10th-12th Grade): This hands-on course teachers students how to service, repair and test farm machinery. Students learn a variety of welding processes, become trained in basic shop related skills, and practice machine tool operation and maintenance. Students are required to perform all tasks using industry-approved safety guidelines.
  • Food Science (All Year, 10th-12th Grade): Students will investigate areas of food science including food safety, food chemistry, food processing, food product development, and marketing.


Note: Students intending to apply to any public universities in Washington (e.g. UW, WSU, etc.) may only use 1 year of technical writing to meet the 4-year English requirement for admission.

  • Financial Algebra (All Year, 11th-12th Grade Elective or Math): The purpose of this class is to learn how to responsibly manage personal finances using applied and business math concepts and techniques, to learn more about the free enterprise system and how it relates to the global economy, and how to invest wisely in several different venues including the stock market and real estate. 
  • Introduction to Business (All Year, 11th-12th Grade Elective): This class will help develop skills in marketing, management, entrepreneurship, business ethics and learning the global economy. You will learn to create a business plan, market and advertise your products, develop an employee training program and debate current business issues.
  • Business English (11th-12th Grade Elective or Requirement): This course prepares students to communicate effectively as a future business employer/employee within the public or private sector by learning how to create and present a variety of business documents such as memos, emails, business plans, website literature and formal presentations to company stockholders. Students will also practice verbal communication skills through marketing campaigns, interviews and public announcements.
  • Digital Communications (One Semester, 9th-12th Grade): Digital Communications involves the use of several Microsoft (MS) Office Programs (Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint). The Internet is used for research and assignments are then given to utilize the various programs. Students will learn to format business documents, create spreadsheets and presentations in Office 2016. In addition to gaining valuable computer skills for the 21st Century, students can earn a Microsoft Office User Specialist Certificate.
  • Graphic Arts (One Semester, 9th-12th Grade): This course utilizes Microsoft Word and PowerPoint software as well as the Adobe InDesign program. Students are introduced to creating shapes, borders, colors, and gradients using PC computers and color laser printers. Digital photography and Internet research are introduced. Projects include posters, newsletters, greeting cards, reports, event tickets and programs. Numerous assignments are completed for community members and organizations advertising their functions.


  • Foods (One Semester, 9th-12th Grade): Course is attractive for students who enjoy planning and preparing food dishes using a variety of tools, incorporating a wide range of food groups and including products and seasonings from around the world. Students will also be expected to work within a budget, modify meals to dietary restrictions and prepare meals to nutritive value. Other course topics include eating disorders, fad diets, food labels, questionable advertising and food-related careers.
  • Parenting (One Semester, 9th-12th Grade, .5 Social Studies Credit):  Class studies the issues and roles pertaining to being an effective parent as a child grows from birth to adulthood. Students study parenting styles and philosophies, the needs of children at each developmental stage and the typical challenges that make parenting one of the most rewarding and exhausting roles in life. Students observe children, design age-appropriate activities and are responsible for the care of a "Baby Think It Over". 
  • Applied Psychology (One Semester, 10th-12th Grade Elective, .5 Social Studies Credit): Learn about the major theories of human behavior and how each theory attempts to understand and explain the human experience. Students will learn about dogs, rats, dreams and the brain. The second half of the class is about relationships with friends, co-workers and mates. There is some reading, several class and small group projects and numerous class experiments scheduled to help the broad topic of Psychology and self-understanding come to life.


  • Introduction to Leadership (All Year, Required for 9th-10th Grade Class Officers): This course is designed to introduce and explore the elements of leadership from an individual and group perspective. Students will have several hands-on opportunities to grow their leadership skills through school and community projects. Students learn, develop, and practice leadership skills through topics such as project planning, communication, organizational leadership, budgeting/fundraising, school climate and safety, and engaging in the community. Non-ASB/Class Officer students may take this class by permission of the teacher only.
  • ASB Student Council (All Year, Required for 11th-12th Grade ASB & Class Officers): Non-ASB/Class Officer students may take this class by permission of the teacher only.


Note: Construction Technology courses are highly recommended for Careers in Technology and Natural Resources.

  • Introduction to Woodworking (One Semester, 9th-12th Grade, Can Be Used as .5 Fine Arts Credit): Students will learn how to operate saws and power tools to make several small projects. A strict adherence to safety procedures is enforced. This is a foundation course for students interested in home construction, carpentry, advanced woodworking and engineering.
  • Robotics (All Year, 9th-12th Grade): A course that exposes individuals to the use of basic engineering principles and technical skills in developing and using robotics. Includes instruction in the principles of robotics, design and operational testing, system maintenance and repair procedures, robotics, computer systems, control language, and safety.
  • Introduction to Engineering (All Year, 9th-12th Grade, Can Be Used As An Algebra Credit): Designed for 9th or 10th grade students, the major focus of IED is the design process and its application. Through hands-on projects, students apply engineering standards and document their work. Students use industry standard 3D modeling software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems, document their work using an engineer's notebook, and communicate solutions to peers and members of the professional community.